Way to create a blog 2019 - The World of Tech


Saturday, January 5, 2019

Way to create a blog 2019

Way to create a blog 2019

Hi, I am Md. Abdul Hamid, the founder and CEO of this blog. I am doing blogging last 5 years. From my experiences I can write blog and making contents for my blog. In the starting time i faced so many problems which helps me to develop myself.

in the recent year, every new blogger wants to start their new blog with new passions. Most of the bloggers come to this sector to prove them as a good and successful blogger like world's best. But most of them does not have proper idea about how to create a blog.

Read Also : 5 Ways To Make Money By Blogging

Last some year in this sector so many changes has come. One of them is quality of the content with quantity of words. Quantity of words makes a post powerful and strong to the search engine. It also helps a post to rank good. Rank is the main target of any new or old bloggers. Without rank no bloggers can earn good number of money.
Before start a new blog, you must need to have a good knowledge about the Nice which one is your main topic. You have to research your topic and collect all kinds of important data to create a blog article. Writing is the way to express your opinion and ideas to visitors. Even you can hire a content maker to post a good number of blog post.

How we will start a new blog?

At first we need to make our self fully ready to do something better than others. We know in this sector there is so many top ranked blog. If we want to place our blog to their position we need to create better content of them. Then we will be able to create a blog.   

Brand name Selection

This is the most important matter to create a blog. Name is the main fact to branding your new blog. It is the first step to create a blog newly. Name should be short and simple. Which can be understand by every users to any category.

Domain and Hosting 

After select a good name you have to buy a domain name with good quality of hosting. In these section there is some Free Hosting Service & Paid Hosting Service. Free hosting service is provided with some terms & conditions without freedom. But the other hand Paid Hosting gives you the full freedom to access in any kind of services with their company.
There is some free hosting service provider :

1. Blogspot.com
2. Wordpress.com
3. Wix.com
4. Infinityfree.net
5. 000webhost.com

There is some Paid hosting Service Provider :

1. Godaddy.com  
2. Hostgator.com
3. Bluehost.com
4. Namecheap.com
5. iPage.com  

Site design and SEO friendly responsive theme

After getting a domain name and hosting you need to design and collaborate your blog. At the time every website or blog should be responsive and SEO friendly. This section will helps you to make a blog outlook impression to your visitors. There also Free & Paid version of templates/themes. If you does not know how to design or develop themes then you can contact any web developer. They will cost money but your work will be perfect & quality.

Content and Aticle

After finishing your job to create a blog, you need to create a power full Article & contents. Do not try to copy paste from others. It will helps you to ruin your blogging career. Every content should be create or making from your experience or getting knowledge from another blogs. I this section is the most important cause it is the only way to get visitor to your blog and earning money. So you can hire content writer to make a single blog post, If you are not capable to write yourself.

Regularity and Maintenances

This part is also very effective to become a blogger. You have to post regularly to your blog. It can be once a daily or weekly. But the regularity is the most power full method to popular a new blog. If you does not do the process then your rank will be lost and your visitor will transfer to another blog sites. If your blog face any problem to load or display contents then you need to fix them.          

Backup your content & Articles

If any kind of problem that create problems and destruct your blog. Then you need to recover them all. if you get full backup all your contents & articles. So you need to make a copy of your every contents. Thus you recover your blog when it affected.

SEO & Link Building

SEO & Link Building is the final stage of create a blog famous and popular. Quality with quantity of Backlink is power to increasing blogs popularity. Every post should be SEO friendly which helps you to target your goals. If you are not to able doing SEO Then you can get helps from any SEO specialist by some cost. Try to increase your Backlinks but should be quality. Remember that one thing bad Backlinks can make a bad impression to your blog SEO. So need to create good number of DA/PA/Alexa ranked to create a good impression to your blog.

After doing all of the process have been written in this post any one can easily create a blog & become a success full blogger.    

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