Create your own blog how to start tips - The World of Tech


Monday, January 21, 2019

Create your own blog how to start tips

Create your own blog how to start tips
Hi dear visitors hope you are well by the grace of almighty god.  This just a move to a new era of life. Every people is very special with their thoughts. Which is more different from other’s. If anyone’s idea is become helping hand to other’s, this is called tips & tricks. Life give us so many new & attractive experiences which is very important to our life. If someone share all of the experiences in his own blog is just becomes the way to start a digital diary.

What is blogging?

Blogging is a digital platform that helps us to share our thoughts worldwide. It creates a memorable contents with a digital media. It can be a article or a video. It also can be both if one is combined with one to another.

What is the category of blogging

Blogging is a path, It has many section to work. Different types of blogging is very effective in various category. Here is some examples of Blogging :

§  Personal Blogging
§  Professional Blogging
§  Technology Blogging
§  Video Blogging
§  Social Blogging
§  Tutorial Blogging
§  Motivational Blogging
§  Paranormal world Blogging
§  Business Blogging
§  Tour Blogging
§  Fashion Blogging etc

How to start your own blog

How to start your own blog is just a beginning of road to blogging. If there is any kind of subject have been chosen that has been given up in this article is just a start of making own blog. Any kind of subject should be experienced by a person to share in his blog. Writing & content creation is the main parts of start your own blog. Without article & content any kind of blog is valueless.

Free way to make your own blog

Digital online media is just a platform to share any kind of things which is stored in the internet. In this system there is so many free platform, that give us free service to make your own free blog. Type Google like search engine you will find top some free blog making website like blogger, wordpress, wix, weebly etc. All is very powerful strong media to make your own blog. You can select any one website of these to make your own blog.

Design and decoration of your own blog

Simple and light design is recommended by experience of my blogging life. So I will suggest all of you to choose and select any SEO friendly simple & light weight themes of templates for your own blog. You can try goabyemplaes, themeforest, colorib etc website to download your free decorative themes.

Start writing & content making

This is the very big part of blogging. Now you can write your own life history to share with other’s. You can record your memorable days with video camera and it will become the content for your own blog. You can write your daily life routine and share with your own blog. Picture can be the good content which can express your history.

Publish blog daily and share in social media

After create your own blog content you can share your urls to social media to get more and more visitors. Social media is a strong path to share blog content with our friends, family & worldwide easily. Regular posting a blog post is become successful with social share.

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