The smartphone maker Oppo will launch its F7 smartphone in India on March 26. The company has launched Oppo A1 in China before its launch in India. OPPO A1 is a budget smartphone. Its cost is RMB 1399 which is Rs. 14400. The phone will be available in Red, Blue, and White color variants. There is no news about the launch of this phone in India. In addition to budget specifications, the design of the phone has been worked out. It has a 5.7-inch LCD full view display.
Oppo A1 of specifications and features: In addition to the display, 4GB of Oppo A1 RAM and went the 64GB of internal storage. Which chipset is used in the device, its information is not available right now. To give power to the phone, a battery of 3180 mAh is provided.
For photography, the smartphone has autofocus and LED flash with a 13MP primary camera. The front of the device has an 8MP camera. The fingerprint sensor has not been given in A1. It has got facial recognition as a security feature. A1 is the common phone of the company. However, the company will soon introduce its showstopper smartphone.
Oppo F7: China's smartphone maker ' Oppo ' can launch a phone with its Edge-to-edge display soon in India. According to the phone, the 'Nokia' feature like iPhone X will be included in the phone. Oppo has also begun teasing its F7 smartphone, with the Edge-to-edge display showing 'Noch' on the top of the display. According to reports, the F7 smartphone can be launched in India on March 26, although no official day announcement has been made on behalf of the company.
What can be
- Oppo F7 will have a 6.2-inch Full HD Plus display.
- The aspect ratio of the display is 19: 9.
- The phone's processor will run on Snapdragon 670 MediaTek Helio P6.
- The phone will have the 25-megapixel front camera, which will include AR feature.
- Oppo F7 can be fought in Vivo V9: Chinese smartphone manufacturer Vivo is coming out with its smartphone V9 in India. The company can launch this phone on 27th March. According to media reports, the phone can be offered in about Rs. 25000.
Details of Vivo V9 so far: INS has been told by industry sources that dual rear camera setup can be given over the phone. There can also be a 24MP selfie camera. Vivo V9 can be like a Nokia 10 like the Nokia. With it, the phone can come with full view display. The company launched Viva V7 with a 24MP selfie camera at Rs 18,990.
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