Steam game company, forcing its employees to write positive reviews - The World of Tech


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Steam game company, forcing its employees to write positive reviews

Guardians of Ember

What do you think is worse - to fail in the sales or to argue with the main digital memory of the whole PC? Island games have wisely decided that if they had to choose between one evil and another, they would both choose.

Island - a publisher of crafts such as Guardians of Ember and Wild Buster: Heroes of Titan. Games, to put it mildly, are not in demand, so the company decided to support their own projects with positive reviews.

Maybe, island and be able to cheat the system, but on Reddit Forum appeared to compromise position. The link you can find a screenshot of the letter, the director-general of the publisher sent his subordinates. Chapter asks staff to write a review of wild Buster and intimidation art - he supposedly does not want to force anyone, but without comments will not sell, but without those, you can and will lose work ... For those who buy the game for the money, the boss full-bodied promises to compensate for the amount spent.
 Wild Buster Heroes of Titan_ Founder Edition

Valve has investigated the charges and taken action - the products of Island Games on Steam are no longer found. If you have to take any of the company's games anywhere, do not worry - with accounts out of favor entertainment will not be wasted.

Some comments read by the user given here :

I would be pretty comfortable guessing that if one company is caught doing this then it is likely a pretty common practice among smaller developers trying to get publicity for their game.

It's not even exclusive to video games. They've done research on how extra stars on Yelp lead restaurants to make more money. It's unfortunate since it leads to businesses attempting to manipulate the system and then other businesses have to follow suit or get left behind.

VICE did a short documentary on how a guy was able to get a fake restaurant into the #1 spot on Trip Adviser through a few month long process of having people write fake reviews.

the truth about the game is that the developer is going under and was going under before the game was acquired

wb was a failed title that Insel grabbed up on the cheap so they could charge 20-50 and make a quick buck

the game itself is fine. problem is that there was never any intention to make it better cuz the dev is going out of biz and was before the product was released.

ExiRo Say:
Sure. I genuinely enjoyed the game. I think when WASD was to come out, I would've enjoyed it even more.

So flaws were repetitive maps. It was more of a grind when you progress since the maps starting off were all linear until you reach the boss with mobs and a miniboss or two along the way. Later on, though, maps become more open. Think secret cow level with a boss at the end.

Generally, the game was just a big grind. You essentially get all your skills in the beginning. Items were just stronger pieces of the last, only really changing your look. And difficulty levels were just mobs that were stronger than before.

Graphics to me were butt-ugly. I like me some Diablo 3 graphics but to each there own. I still don't understand how people can stand POE graphics haha.

The story was pretty lame. I usually skip story anyway, but from what I did read, it was a typical "go kill this monster and save civilians".

And the obvious lack of players. Later levels it was better to find people to try to get stronger gear. The game gets pretty hard at bosses. Even though you have dodge, there is hardly any time between the warning and when it hits.

If you can get past these, the game is actually really good. Plus Serious Sam and Duke Nukem were in it.

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