Sex hormones, the basis of our personality - The World of Tech


Sunday, February 4, 2018

Sex hormones, the basis of our personality

Sex hormones, the basis of our personality

There is a news update from a Romanian online journal and some of the data from another source it tales us about sex hormone & fertility for personality.

Harmony sexuality can help improve the imbalances of the being, because sexual continence eliminates hormonal disturbances, reduces cholesterol and blood pressure. Because of each body's gland influences everything else, stimulation of sex hormones, in turn, causes the stimulation of hormones secreted by other important glands - adrenal, thymus, thyroid, pituitary, and pineal gland.

The sexual act is a bleak source of happiness for those who know how to control sexual energy and do not squander sexual orgasms through ejaculation or repeated energy discharges. These hormones play a more important role than giving the feeling of sexual satisfaction. They effectively influence every sphere of human activity outlining the individuality of each individual. Modern scientific studies have shown that sex hormones influence the cellular structure of the brain. In other words, if you are a man, then your brain bears the mark of masculinity until the last cell.

"Sexual hormones not only do not appear at the age of puberty but more so, they do not even miss the target through the body, they know exactly where exactly they have to go. Cells that have their own body, their own body, have already been prepared since the embryonic stage to respond to the activity of the hormones that are now produced. This is the truth of the physical body, the reproductive organs, the heart, the lungs, the liver and the kidneys, and also the truth of the brain. Tissues, neuronal circuits, and brain chemistry have already been marked during intrauterine life by sex hormones, and the foundation has already been set for the behaviors that characterize the body of a woman or man in the present life! ", Explained Dr. Gunther Dorner, Director of the Endocrinology Institute Experimental at Humboldt University, Germany.


Sunrise and supernova

The Wisdom of the East states that it is useless and complicated to track each hormone and enzyme receptor individually in the fight with hundreds of different types of cancers and diseases that occur when the immune system fails. They argue that the key factor is the fundamental balance that arises when the Yang masculine and feminine Yin energy are harmonized in the body. Then, physically, each cell will have the energy for perfect functioning, and hormones will do their best to help maintain the health of the whole body. This balance between our male and female hormones is the premise of a happy life.

NASA_Cosmic Possibilities

Cosmic Possibilities

Astronomer Michael Molnar believes that the Star of Bethlehem was actually Jupiter, the planet partially hidden by the Moon in 6 BC. Detailed calculations of this cosmic event show, however, that the occultation of Jupiter (which took place on April 17, 6 BC) could not be seen on Earth.

Sir Patrick Moore, the most important British astronomer of all time, suggested the idea that a particularly bright meteorite could offer the dilemma unleashed. However, from the Matthew Gospel, we clearly infer that the Star was a heavenly body that has shone every night for a very long time.

In 2002, Costantino Sigismondi, from the University of Rome, proposed as an explanation the flicker of a variable star called Mira. Although the hypothesis has prompted many debates for a while, it has come to the conclusion that the star is lit so vaguely that it could not have attracted the attention of the Magi.

Michael Kamienski, from the University of Krakow, suggested that Steaua would have been a globular lightning, a phenomenon that occurs quite rarely during the storm. Beyond the fact that a globular lightning could not have guided the Magi from Persia to Judea, it is also very difficult to confuse with a star.


In some years, on the eve of Christmas, this planet shines intensely, leaving the impression that it triple its size. However, Venus did not move much like a traveling star, and some experienced astronomers like the Magi would have recognized the planet.

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